Moving from feeling out of control to empowered

No-one could have quite foreseen the world we’d be living in in 2020 when they came up with the VUCA acronym back in 1987. Our world has certainly become more Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous than they could have imagined back then.

Just a few short months ago it was hard to imagine the extent of the global, local and personal impact of COVID-19; on our freedoms and the things we took for granted, on how we live and work, on our careers, communities, businesses, environment. It has really brought home that as a humanity we are a very inter-connected and inter-dependent species.

And who could have known just how quickly we would have to adapt to the rapidly changing future of work. We had to make an almost overnight shift to working remotely, flexibly and virtually, and to do it on a global scale.

We thought we had the power and the technology to dominate the earth and its resources, but mother nature has thrown us some even more powerful reminders of who is in charge and what is at stake.

The sense of uncertainty and fear we’re experiencing as a result is real and palpable. The sense of grief for the lost lives and the lost lifestyles we had taken for granted is real.

We have sacrificed our freedoms while our personal safety and security is under threat from an unseen assailant. There is a sense of fear and uncertainty about our work, careers and businesses.

But there is still hope. While things will never be quite the same, it’s also an opportunity to reassess, to make a fresh start and to make things better.

The stress we’re feeling comes from facing situations we feel we can’t cope with and from the uncertainties of our future.

We need time to process this and to develop coping mechanisms and to rebuild our resilience.

*There are things beyond our control right now, but there are things we can control, such as our mindset and resilience. And we can use this time to get clear about what's really important to us and why.

We can use this time to develop a vision for the kind of future we want to create; for ourselves, our families and communities. For our careers and workplaces. And importantly, it is a time to reflect on the impact we want to make through our work and life; through our lifestyle and the legacy we can create.*

We cannot allow a sense of powerlessness, fear and anxiety to further threaten our wellbeing.

So don’t let stress dis-empower you. Don’t let stress sabotage your physical and mental health, relationships and quality of life. Don’t risk it becoming chronic and long lasting by allowing the feelings of stress to build up cumulatively without recovery time.

Stress can be physically debilitating. It can compromise our immune system, heart health and blood pressure and our ability to rest and recover. No-one needs that right now!

Psychologically it can dis-empower us through feelings of worry, fear, irritability, anxiety, helplessness, anger and tearfulness. And lead to poor memory and concentration and overwhelm.

Right now you need to function at your best and most resilient. Don't allow yourself to get caught in the grip of stress.

What you can do

Start by acknowledging what you’re feeling.

Allow yourself time to grieve for the certainty, stability, security and lifestyle you may have lost during this time. But don't stay there for too long.

Find out what you can change.

Practice gratitude, empathy and kindness. Be grateful for what you've got. Show understanding for what you and others are going through. Be kind to yourself and others.

Build in recovery time into your daily routine. Take time to de-stress and unwind in order to get some perspective on the situation. Quiet time, meditation, music - find what works best for you.

Recognise the stress that comes from your interpretation of the situation and the negative self-talk. You have control over your mindset and you do have the power to do something. Stay positive and optimistic. Manage your mood and feelings. Do more of what brings you joy to lift your mood and release feel-good hormones.

Focus on staying healthy. Eat healthy. Lay off cigarettes and alcohol. Get some exercise, fresh air and sunshine and reconnect with nature daily if you can (within the current restrictions).

Ensure you’ve got the variety and challenge you need to keep you engaged, learning and growing. Find ways to bring more certainty and security into your life. Create routines that work for you.

Feel supported

While we might need to exercise physical distancing we don’t need to self-isolate emotionally. Reach out to colleagues, family and friends. Make new connections. We have the technology and capability to be more connected than ever, even when exercising physical distancing. So keep connected.

Empower yourself

While this disruptive period may not be the best time to be seeking a promotion, or to be looking for a job, or even making a drastic career change, there are still things you can do to better-prepare and empower yourself.

Use this time to reflect, reassess what is and isn't working and to gain clarity about the future you want to create. Use this time to really understand who you are and who you can be at your best. Now is a great time to plan and prepare so you're ready to see, create and seize opportunities.

Contact me for a complimentary discussion about your career objectives.

Nada Matijevic