Stress Management Series Part 2: How do I know when I'm stressed?

The physical and psychological signs are there. Something’s wrong, but what is it? If you feel like you’re losing a grip on yourself, it may be that you’re in the grip of stress. If you’re feeling like your life and career is unravelling around you and you don’t have control, take time to reassess the situation.

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Dreading going back to a job you don't love? Do these 3 things now

If you’re dreading the thought of going back to a job you don’t love, you don’t have to put up with feeling stuck and unhappy. You can do something about it to make a fresh start to 2019! But don’t make hasty decisions you might regret later. First take the time to work out what’s really going on. So you have a better understanding of how to fix the underlying issues. And to appreciate the things that are working really well for you.

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